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Making music 74 creative strategies pdf download

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Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Producers | Ableton

Download Making Music: 74 Creative Strategies book pdf free read online here in PDF. Read online Making Music: 74 Creative Strategies book author by with clear copy PDF ePUB KINDLE format. All files scanned and secured, so don't worry about it 8/04/ · Ableton is doing its bit to keep us on a creative to tip while we’re at home. Having already offered a day trial of its flagship Live Suite DAW bundle, it’s now giving away the digital edition of its excellent book, Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers, for blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min The fact is, despite all the music tools and technology at our disposal nowadays, making music remains as difficult as ever. Why this is, and what you can do about it is the subject of a new book entitled Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers. While the author, Dennis DeSantis, is Ableton’s Head of Documentation

making music 74 creative strategies pdf download

Making music 74 creative strategies pdf download

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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Producers. Marcelo Oriano. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Preface What is this book? For many artists, nothing inspires more existential terror than actually making art. Electronic musicians used to be able to hide behind clunky, emerging technology as an excuse for inaction.

But musicians today live in a golden age of tools and technology. A ninety-nine-cent smartphone app can give you the functionality of a million-dollar recording studio. Tutorials for every sound design or music production technique can be found through a Google search.

All of these developments have served to level the playing field for musicians, making it possible for a bedroom producer to create music at a making music 74 creative strategies pdf download that used to be possible only for major-label artists, making music 74 creative strategies pdf download. But despite all of this, making music is still hard.

Making Music was written both to answer this question and to offer ways to make it easier. It presents a systematic, concrete set of patterns that you can use when making music in order to move forward. A problem is a roadblock that stops you from making progress with a particular piece of music. A problem might appear at the beginning e. A solution is a concrete instruction or small set of instructions that will solve the stated problem.

Like the problems, the solutions are also real; if you apply the solution, the problem will be solved. Making Music can show you the way, but you still need to do the work. Who is this book for? While many of the patterns discussed here can probably be modified or directly applied to other types of music-making such as composing for rock bands or string quartetsthe goal of this book is to solve the specific problems that people have when working with machines, rather than with instruments or other people.

A basic understanding of the fundamentals of music—chords, scales, and concepts of rhythm—is useful but not a prerequisite. Although it may not always be obvious, the patterns are all general enough that they can be used by musicians working with any genre of electronic music, from commercial dance music to the avant-garde.

I am a musician with a background in a variety of different worlds, making music 74 creative strategies pdf download. I studied classical composition, music theory, and percussion, although these days I primarily write electronic music in the direction of house and techno.

I grew up just outside of Detroit, and all of the amazing music that came from and through that city was a big influence in my early musical development. How to use this book Think of Making Music as something like a travel guide. You can read and experiment with the various patterns as you need them in order to solve particular problems as they come up in your making music 74 creative strategies pdf download work. Sometimes the patterns will explicitly relate to others, and I often refer to other patterns to help clarify the current one.

How this book is organized The patterns themselves are grouped into sections based on where in the writing process a particular musical problem is likely to occur. These are problems that prevent you from starting at all. They include problems of inspiration, problems realizing the sounds you hear in your head, etc.

The solutions include exercises to develop better active listening and explorations of various ways of playing with sound, harmony, melody, rhythm, and musical form. They include problems of fatigue, problems developing and varying material, etc, making music 74 creative strategies pdf download.

The solutions include exercises to generate new material, shape song structure, and stay in the creative flow. These problems occur when you feel that almost but not quite everything is in place, but you are unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion. The solutions include ideas for creating convincing arrangements and for creating powerful endings, making music 74 creative strategies pdf download.

Why is this book needed? There are already many ways—books, classes, video tutorials, software documentation, private teachers—to learn about music technology and music production. But almost all of them focus on the second half of the equation—technology or production—rather than the first half: music. Making Music is an attempt to help people who are comfortable with the basics of music production at a making music 74 creative strategies pdf download level but who still find music-making to be a difficult process which I suspect is all of us!

Finally… This book will not teach you how to use a compressor, program a synthesizer, or make a great-sounding kick drum. Those aspects of music-making are already well covered. What it will teach you is how to make music using those tools, with a specific emphasis on solving musical problems, making progress, and most importantly finishing what you start.

Making Music is not a collection of vague aphorisms. Instead, it combines motivational ideas about the philosophy and psychology of music- making with hands-on tools and techniques that musicians of all kinds can use to really get work done.

Quality Process vs. The blank slate might be the most intimidating place in a creative environment. But before making music 74 creative strategies pdf download have anything, all options are available, so choosing seems impossible. One Part at a Time is certainly a way to move forward, but which one part comes first? When you have nothing, even choosing one part can feel like an impossible hurdle. Here are three practical suggestions for how to begin from nothing.

Solution: 1. Start with the foundation. On top of these are added instruments that are progressively higher in pitch. By starting with the bottom, we provide both a conceptual and musical foundation for everything else. The drums often provide the essential timekeeping elements, while the bass often provides the notes that define and anchor the chord progression.

Start with what you hear. Many musicians never or rarely get spontaneous musical ideas—all of their music comes from active work. If you happen to be lucky enough to hear original musical ideas in your head, then you should absolutely use them as the basis for your own work. On the contrary, these accidental ideas are sometimes the most interesting ones you can have. Start with what you know. For example, guitarists tend to voice chords and approach harmony in a different way from keyboardists.

But because keyboards are the de facto control surface for entering music into a DAW, many guitarists might never think to use their guitars in an electronic music context. Drummers rarely play the kind of beats that are used in many types of electronic music, but sitting behind a real drum kit might stimulate creative ideas that would feel alien on a pad controller.

Catalog of Attributes Problem: Creative musicians find inspiration in other music. While we seek to make music that is uniquely our own, every other piece of music we hear is automatically processed and becomes an unconscious part of our musical vocabulary.

Taking too much is theft. Taking too little fails to acknowledge our influences. For musicians who aim to find and develop a unique voice, there will always be an internal conflict to resolve when hearing music that is inspiring.

To truly be original, is it necessary to ignore all external influence? Objective legal issues aside, each artist needs to determine their own level of comfort when borrowing from other making music 74 creative strategies pdf download. One of these is to write a catalog of attributes. Study it, element by element and layer by layer, until you can write down a catalog of its attributes. Consider the attributes of sound, harmony, melody, rhythm, and form. Write something concrete about what you hear for each attribute.

You should end up with a description, not a transcription. What is important is not the actual level of specificity, but only that it gives you enough to use as a template without having to refer to the original again during your own creation process, making music 74 creative strategies pdf download.

Breakdown section is in D major sort of? After breakdown, rest of track is in E minor alternating with B major. Lots of D, with occasional jumps up to A and down to Bb. Bass line is mostly offbeat eighth notes trance influence? At breakdown, everything drops out except hi-hats and bass line, then rebuilds additively. Form is all and bar sections.

Verse 16, making music 74 creative strategies pdf download, Verse 16, Chorus 16, Breakdown 32, Chorus 16, Chorus 16 This catalog of attributes could describe an endless number of new works. In fact, you can probably hear music that fits these attributes in your head already. Now try to put yourself in the mindset making music 74 creative strategies pdf download one of those musicians; using only the catalog as a recipe, make something new.

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Making music 74 creative strategies pdf download

making music 74 creative strategies pdf download

Download Making Music: 74 Creative Strategies book pdf free read online here in PDF. Read online Making Music: 74 Creative Strategies book author by DeSantis, Dennis (Hardcover) with clear copy PDF ePUB KINDLE format. All files scanned and secured, so don't worry about it The fact is, despite all the music tools and technology at our disposal nowadays, making music remains as difficult as ever. Why this is, and what you can do about it is the subject of a new book entitled Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers. While the author, Dennis DeSantis, is Ableton’s Head of Documentation 8/04/ · Ableton is doing its bit to keep us on a creative to tip while we’re at home. Having already offered a day trial of its flagship Live Suite DAW bundle, it’s now giving away the digital edition of its excellent book, Making Music - 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers, for blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min

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